
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mr Burt's Korero

In the street our name for our new building, we had a team assembly. Our principal Mr Burt came and had a talk with us. First thing we talked about was gum is dumb. Chewing gum and then placing them under tables, on the ground, places where you sit and, it’s disgusting when you reach into somewhere and you feel something sticky and you find out it’s gum. A place with gum everywhere doesn’t look very nice and makes our school look dirty.

One of another things he was talking about was us being rich, we may not be rich but we. Mr Burt went overseas and some schools only had one teacher that works for 4 days and then another for another 4 days and it continues. Some schools can’t afford to pay teachers, school trips, camps, they don’t have music teachers, sports coordinators like our school. That’s why we’re fortunate to have the street, our music teacher, sport coordinator, all our teachers and extra things we’ve got but others don’t have.

It’s really sad because as he was talking he said that, we’re so fortunate. I think we are because, when you you think about it we are rich because we have houses, beds, clothes, uniforms and a abundance of opportunity’s that we don’t realize that others don’t have. He also talked to us about how ⅔ of the children around the world live in poverty and go to sleep hungry.

When a opportunity comes my way I should be happy and make the most of it.

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