
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Having Netbooks in our class and now that it is our very own is a great experience for us. Last year was the year where we were still trialing it out and the years have skimmed right past us. Already you know we get to take it home and it is a magnificent feeling inside.

On the Netbooks you can do so much there's blogging, chatting, playing games, emailing. It is so fun because it keeps you connected with your friends and it's so addictive. Soon when we own it, I want to download some music, photos, footage and more stuff.

So far on the Netbooks we've been creating our own graphs and learning about statistics. It is a really cool way to learn, it gives us information and it shows a better way of understanding info. We've also been finishing our post off and our class survey.

The time we get to go on our Netbooks, is the most interesting learning part in our literacy. I am really excited about going on our Netbooks in the morning most of the time and I can't wait to take them home.

1 comment:

Brittany Hamilton said...

Hey my name is Brittany Hamilton and I live in a state called Alabama in the United States. I am going to college to be an elementary teacher and for one of my classes I was assigned to your blog. I love your post about your netbook. I own a netbook and I love it! It is small and easier to carry places. Im glad you were able to get one and I hope it becomes yours very soon. I also use mine for blogging and emailing as well as for my social network sites. What kind of games do you play on it? I think it is excellent that you are using it in class and it has became very helpful. I hope as a teacher one day, I will be able to incorporate computers in my classroom. Good luck with the rest of the year and I hope you enjoy it!