
Monday, August 16, 2010

Riley's Birthday At Chipmunks

Ahh! As I yawned. Waking up early at 6am on Saturday was because it was my baby cousin [Riley’s] birthday. The birthday party was held at Chipmunks in Henderson, down the road where we played rugby against Henderson intermediate.
Kick off was at 1 o’clock.

Filled with so much excitement, I had butterfly’s tickling my stomach. Ha ha! I keep on giggling I just can’t help it, I’m to over excited. Arriving there was even more pleasant because I couldn’t wait to go on the popular slide.

Later approximately 5 past 1 everybody arrived then, that’s what usually happens at celebrations. The room was getting more crowded as more family members entered the room. Even some of the adults and parents were trying to look from outside.

Happy Birthday to you x2, we all said ‘Hooray’, when you tried to touch the flame on the candles. Hip hip, hooray x2, we all had a nice meal and all the kids rushed off to play. I straight away went on the slide and reached the top.

‘Quickly’, said my cousin we raced down the slide. Watch out! It was like a snake track too many little kids at corners trying to climb up again. Since their were too many children I went to the jungle and climbed up till I got to this slide. Wow! This slide is the bomb it goes so fast like skate boarding down a steep hill.

This was such a fun day it was really quite a turn out and it was really good to be surrounded by my family again.

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